Back from Hibernation

Even while playing a bit with my OpenHAB2 system a bit here and there, this particular side project was on an indeterminate hibernation…

Admittedly, I was thinking about building some stuff, maybe automating my windows blinds after all, or change my lighting system to something more automatable (MiLight was not really what I was expected at the beginning), but no big changes ever happened.

But no longer, I say! Back on active hacking, that’s what we are 🙂

Sensor reading scripts for openhab on github

For various reasons (not the least of them being that I am a geek prone to overengineering 🙂 ), my openhab installation consists of multiple Rasperry Pi nodes. The data collected is pushed via HTTP (upcoming: mqtt) to the server node.

Also, there are some precautions in place to avoid overloading the OH2 server while keeping a short response time to events. The first script published there is for the magnetic window contacts.

Without further ado, please find my scripts over at